Imagine that you need to write high-quality copy for marketing, sales, or other similar fields very quickly, and you are lacking good ideas. In other words, you are experiencing writer’s block. Wouldn’t it be hard? The good news is that AI writing tools can help you – maybe they will not generate a perfect copy with a lot of emotions, but they will definitely give you some good ideas!
This so-called writer’s block can occur to everyone, including content writers. One of the possible solutions to overcome it – using an AI writing tool. Of course, this tool is more useful to marketing and sales teams as it generates some basic, but original copies. But content writers can use AI writing as a supplementary tool for:
Interview questions;
Meta descriptions;
Usually, content writers are expected to write more advanced articles and copies than AI writing tools, so it is not recommended to rely on AI completely. Rather, use it for small parts, ideas, and summaries. Feel free to experiment with AI. This includes inputting some different keywords, topics, and combining and rewriting the results. AI can be a great help, but let’s get a little bit creative and input some meaningful and concrete keywords, questions, and other information.
To conclude, AI writing can definitely benefit content writers. The three main benefits are: 1) AI writing can help with writer’s block and give you some ideas; 2) AI writing can help you to be more productive and save time, and 3) AI writing can help with SEO as it creates SEO-friendly content.
AI writing vs. content witing
A great benefit of AI writing is that it generates content that is highly readable and, most of the time, meaningful. So, if you are not a writer and need to do writing tasks based on factual information, choose this tool as an assistance. Besides, this tool does not plagiarize others' works. AI does not make grammar or spelling mistakes, so you can trust it.
But there are some risks, too. The AI writing tool is not a professional writer. This means it lacks creativity and uses some existing patterns rather than new ideas. Also, it cannot write something new and could lack emotions. That is why it is advisable to review the results.